A global community for women who want to openly talk about money, wealth and bigger VISIONS.  So that they can become FINANCIALLY EDUCATED, GROW their Income, BUILD Wealth, DIVERSIFY their Investments and GIVE BACK to Society.


Stephanie Taylor is a Property Investor, Founder of HMO Heaven & Rent2Rent Success.
We are delighted that on Thursday 27th of July she will be delivering a LIVE Training to you our IWW community on "The Badass Manifesto - The Secret to Getting WTF You Want" make sure it’s in your diaries for 11am!
Often as we age we hear messages that our lives should become smaller. When we ask...is there more to life than this? The Badass Manifesto is the answer.
JOIN US LIVE  - Thursday 27th July - 11am


Why building your brand & community makes your wealth journey easier?

No matter whether you are looking to grow your income, your business or your long term wealth, one of the most important factors to success is about building your own brand and community.  It not only creates credibility, positions you as the expert but also builds the know like and trust factor.

We have the fabulous:

Samantha Poole - Founder of Ask GoTo & Incubation Nation CIC
Charlotte Moyle - Head of Marketing & Operations for City Girl Network 
Sharron Goodyear - Personal Brand Photographer and Strategist

on this month’s panel. It’s your chance to learn, be inspired and ASK questions.    JOIN US LIVE - Wednesday 26 April - 7pm UK


Each month there is a variety of activities happening.

This MONTH we have our first LIVE training with Louisa Willcox - The Budget Rest

A good time to look at cost saving exercises to not only manage your money, but also "create" money to invest for your future wealth creation!

The Origins Of An African Proverb ...
"If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together."

Welcome to the Iconic Wealth for Women global online community.

OUR MISSION is to help one million women create more Income, Impact and Influence - growing their wealth to grow their legacy!

WHY should we, as Women, be talking more about MONEY and WEALTH than we do right NOW?

Society needs to change and it starts with us!

Wealth doesn't create happiness, it gives you choice!

Choice to help your family
Choice to give back to the community
Choice to create a bigger vision
Choice to have fun and enjoy more of life.

But where do we start?

For so many years it's been a mans world!  They've controlled the purse strings, given us financial advice and often put us back in our place (now don't get me wrong this isn't about man bashing....I love men!)

This is about creating a safe place for women to learn about finances, to understand how you can grow your wealth and plan for your own retirement.

You see after 25+ years dealing with corporate sales, doing large level deals and growing my business, I've realised we all have varying levels of knowledge around growing long term wealth and I believe a lot of “hidden” information that is so valuable to others around you.

Which is often "siloed" within specific industries, fields or sections of society and 

It’s time to unleash this to support each others BIGGER VISIONS.

Make Your MONEY work harder for you!

Build your LEGACY!

Create Your Indepence and Grow Your Investment Confidence!

According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research... 

Women will own 60% of all wealth in the UK by 2025. 
 Will that be YOU and WHAT will you DO with that wealth?

THE BAD NEWS right now is…

Only 39% of women are confident they’ll have enough resources to last 25+ years in retirement, compared to 54% of men. (Willis Towers Watson)

Women invest 40% less than men! (Lexingtonlaw.com)

Women are 5x more likely to live paycheck to paycheck than men (CNBC)

and New Age UK analysis finds one in five UK women pensioners now living in poverty!

This needs to change!


Women are good with money when given the chance...

Women give more to charity on average than men. (IUPUI)

Women are better investors than men (when they actually do it). (Warwick Business School)

Women with higher levels of financial literacy tend to save more, spend more wisely, and invest more than their peers. (Clever Girl Finance)

Putting away money for their financial goals is the #1 thing that makes women feel more confident and in charge of their futures. (Ellevest)

Women actually know more than they think they know and just need to build their confidence and feel supported! 

But what really is WEALTH and why am I passionate about helping more women create it!

You see generating income is about creating cashflow now!
Building wealth is about putting away money for the future and watching it grow. This changes lives - both yours and future generations

It's a marathon not a sprint.
It's about everyday commitments.
Developing habits, knowledge and mindset shifts.

But why do we shy away from talking about "Wealth" let alone income and money!

Being a successful Sales Manager in the Real Estate Industry for many years and now as a business coach and online growth strategist, I often see incredible women, with the most amazing knowledge and experience shying away from creating the income and wealth they truly deserve!

They often don't feel worthy
They suffer from imposter syndrome
They often undervalue themselves  
They shy away from tracking finances & managing their money
They look after everyone else first -kids, family etc.
They don't ask for what they really want!

And that's ok...

With small changes, a clear strategy and support you can achieve whatever you want to achieve.

And we are here to help.

We want to transform the lives of a Million Women around the globe to create financial freedom, independence and choice!


The community is being developed to include a unique monthly mix of:

Giving you a chance to connect with a growing network of women who are creating limitless opportunities around them. 

Sharing knowledge and brainstorming ideas around a variety of wealth strategies like…

  • Online Businesses
  • Social Enterprises
  • Philanthropic Opportunities
  • Crypto/Currencies/Trading
  • Property
  • PLUS we all know the importance of mindset, brand building and much more!

This is a unique community to grow your wealth. This is not a “course” OR a “pitch fest” (yes there will be some training) it’s a community to inspire, share and help each other grow.  

For as little as the cost of a cup of coffee a week you can join this growing community of women from around the globe...

During times of crisis and uncertainty, we need community more than ever.

You'll be:

  • Learning about different wealth strategies available to you
  • Connecting with other awesome women who are on the same journey
  • Learn how to make your money work harder for you now and in the future!
  • Developing money management and mindset shifts.

Iconic Wealth is changing the face of Women & Wealth
It’s time to unleash those money conversations

No Woman Should ever feel they can't...

Do what they want!
Have what they want!
or Be what they want!

BECAUSE of money - Or the Lack of It!

We believe in Freedom of Choice & Independence

We believe in Unlimited Wealth

We believe in Owning Your Value & Uniqueness

We believe in Creating Opportunities

We believe in Living Life NOW - you never know if tomorrow comes!

It's time to come together to grow together!

A Membership Designed for Women by Women!

It's easy to JOIN just click the JOIN NOW button below, complete your details and you'll be welcomed into the community.  See you soon.

Just £25.00/month or annual fee £250.00

  • Private Access to Iconic Wealth for Women Community
  • Watch LIVESTREAMED events in community - roundtables, panel discussions & live trainings
  • 24 Hour access to live event replay in Community
  • Zoom access to all LIVE events
  • Unlimited access to live event relays to watch in your own time.
  • Monthly networking & breakout brainstorming sessions
  • KNOWLEDGE COLLECTION - a vault of short courses & recorded trainings either free or at a special price
  • PRIORITY access to LIVE IN PERSON events - so you get to meet each other face to face!
  • Plus much more

Iconic Wealth for Women is a community designed for women entrepreneurs and business owners paving their way to unlimited wealth, collaborations and new opportunities.


ALL THIS FOR ONLY £25.00/month or annual fee £250.00

core wealth/investment topic.

It’s time to not only learn from each other, hear stories but get to ask questions of experts who will guide you in the right direction.

There are many ways to create wealth and you can grow yours even if you are limited on time, low on funds or already established and wealthy!

MONTHLY NETWORKING & BREAKOUT BRAINSTORMING SESSIONS - find yourself a client, collaborative partner or even a new friend.

This platform isn’t just about the experts, we want to make sure you can connect as much as possible

Remember we all have skills, knowledge and experience that others in the network may need today!

PRIVATE COMMUNITY - of Incredible Women Around the Globe

Our mission is to help a million women to grow their Income, Impact and Influence so they can make a life changing impact not only for themselves, their family but society too.

This community only works when you support each other (no negativity will be allowed!).

KNOWLEDGE COLLECTIVE - A growing vault of short courses, recorded trainings, interviews & education to help you increase your income, develop your businesses and expand your long term wealth.

This is available to you 24/7 so you can access it when you need it the most.  

Including any worksheets, cheat sheets and helpful guides.

LIVE EVENTS - Get to Meet Each Other In Person!

It's great being part of a growing online community, but nothing beats meeting up in person. 

We are looking at an annual Iconic Women for Wealth  live event (discount tickets will apply), plus other fun get togethers and learning opportunities along the way (stay tuned).

There has never been a bad time to increase your money mindset, build your wealth knowledge and develop your finances 
or create a fresh start!
ALL FOR - 14 DAY FREE TRIAL then Just £25.00/month or annual fee £250.00


BONUS 1 - COMING SOON - Courses Made Simple

A simple yet highly effective 7 Step Process to create your online course idea, structure and process to sell.

If you've ever wondered what type of course you might create or whether you have anything valuable to sell, then this will help you get started.

VALUE £297.00  Yours FREE TODAY!


One of the biggest questions I’ve been getting around the community is....

Why is this so affordable!

After a background in corporate banking, real estate sales and online coaching/course space I’ve seen women sit on two sides of the wealth fence.

The women who are creating incredible wealth in a relatively short space of time (I mean I’ve seen million dollar launches and 100k plus months)

And women who are struggling to even make the rent each month!

I’ve also seen struggles across a variety of industries where people are spending money on courses/experts/gurus… they don’t need (because they have no idea what they are doing YET - especially in the world of property, investment/online businesses etc).  And yes I've done it too!

Spending money on things that don’t help them get results!

Plus women sitting in silence trying to build their business and wealth with no support or direction

And I wanted to change all that.  To build a network that is accessible and open to all women no matter where they are on their income and wealth journey.

It may not always stay at this price.  But it's the founding price we are starting with!  Let's grow together.

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This site is not a part of Google, Youtube or any company wholly owned by Google or Youtube. Additionally this website is not endorsed by Google or Youtube in any way.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
Earnings and income representations made by Kylie Anderson (nee Menz) or kylieandersoncoaching.com are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Kylie Anderson, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying any by kylie anderson or kylieandersoncoaching.com programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the by Kylie Anderson or kylieandersoncoaching.com are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.

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